
We now do live streaming for our sermons on a Sunday morning. You can link into our live church service via our Mt Roskill Baptist Church YouTube Page. Please click “SUBSCRIBE” on YouTube if you would like to be notified when new videos are available.

Check out our latest sermon series below (opens a YouTube playlist of the series):


Join us in Term 2 to explore our whakapapa (the story of where we trace back to) in our series Beginning.

Walking through the Sermon that is the book of Hebrews to see Jesus is greater, and what that means for us.

Join us as we follow the movements of humility and glory of Jesus Christ in Philippians 2.


In Mark’s account of Jesus’ life we’re faced with the question “Who is this Jesus?”

Touring some of the greatest hits in God’s word over the Summer of 2024.



Kicking off the new year by looking at the cosmic introduction John makes to Jesus.

Join us for Christmas at Mt Roskill Baptist as we look at the hope on offer in Jesus in our series “The Light has Dawned”

Investigate the rescue God is mounting in Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.


Celebrating 100 years of God’s faithfulness at Mt Roskill Baptist Church.


Daniel lifts our eyes to how great God is, and brings us to marvel at and worship him!

Walking through the Sermon that is the book of Hebrews to see how great Jesus is, and what that means for us.

Catch a glimpse of Jesus, from prophecy of Isaiah 52 through to his birth and death in the gospels.


Walking through Luke 6 and sitting at the feet of Jesus as he teaches.

Philippians is a message filled with encouragement and the joy of following Jesus.

Paul Windsor picks a verse in 1 Peter and pulls that thread through the Scriptures.